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Northern Irish Legislation

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Laying out and making and executing and maintaining streets, roads, and other works, and expenses thereof.

21. Where any part of any settled estates is directed to be laid out for such
purposes as aforesaid, the Court may direct that any such streets, roads,
paths, squares, gardens, or other open spaces, sewers, drains, or
watercourses, including all necessary or proper fences, pavings, connexions,
and other works incidental thereto respectively, be made and executed, and
that all or any part of the expenses in relation to such laying out and making
and execution be raised and paid by means of a sale or mortgage of or charge
upon all or any part of the settled estates, or be raised and paid out of the
rents and profits of the settled estates or any part thereof, or out of any
moneys or investments representing moneys liable to be laid out in the
purchase of hereditaments to be settled in the same manner as the
settled estates, or out of the income of such moneys or investments, or out of
any accumulations of rents, profits, or income; and the Court may also give
such directions as it may deem advisable for any repair or maintenance of any
such streets, roads, paths, squares, gardens, or other open spaces, sewers,
drains, or watercourses, or other works, out of any such rents, profits,
income, or accumulations during such period or periods of time as to the Court
shall seem advisable.

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