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Northern Irish Legislation

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Court may authorise dedication of any part of settled estates for streets, roads, and other works.

20. It shall be lawful for the Court if it shall deem it proper and consistent
with a due regard for the interests of all parties entitled under the
settlement, and subject to the provisions and restrictions in this Act
contained, from time to time to direct that any part of any settled estates be
laid out for streets, roads, paths, squares, gardens, or other open spaces,
sewers, drains, or watercourses, either to be dedicated to the public or not;
and the Court may direct that the parts so laid out shall remain vested in the
trustees of the settlement, or be conveyed to or vested in any other trustees
upon such trusts for securing the continued appropriation thereof to the
purposes aforesaid in all respects, and with such provisions for the
appointment of new trustees when required, as by the Court shall be deemed

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