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Interpretation of ""settlement'' and ""settled estates''.

2. The word "settlement" as used in this Act shall signify any Act of
Parliament, deed, agreement, copy of court roll, will, or other instrument, or
any number of such instruments, under or by virtue of which any hereditaments
of any tenure or any estates or interests in any such hereditaments stand
limited to or in trust for any persons by way of succession, including any
such instruments affecting the estates of any one or more of such persons

The term "settled estates" as used in this Act shall signify all hereditaments
of any tenure, and all estates or interests in any such hereditaments, which
are the subject of a settlement; and for the purposes of this Act a
tenant-in-tail after possibility of issue extinct shall be deemed to be a
tenant for life.

All estates or interests in remainder or reversion not disposed of by the
settlement, and reverting to a settlor or descending to the heir of a
testator, shall be deemed to be estates coming to such settlor or heir under
or by virtue of the settlement.

In determining what are settled estates within the meaning of this Act, the
Court shall be governed by the state of facts, and by the trusts or
limitations of the settlement at the time of the said settlement taking

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