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Northern Irish Legislation

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Conditions where inserted may be struck out.

15. Provided also, that in all cases of orders (whether under this Act or
under the corresponding enactment of the Acts hereby repealed) in which any
such condition as last aforesaid shall have been inserted, it shall be lawful
for any party interested to apply to the Court to alter and amend such order
by striking out such condition, and the Court shall have full power to alter
the same accordingly, and the order so altered shall have the same validity as
if it had originally been made in its altered state; but nothing herein
contained shall make it obligatory on the Court to act under this provision in
any case in which from the evidence which was before it when the order sought
to be altered was made, or from any other evidence, it shall appear to the
Court that there is any special reason why in the case in question such a
condition is necessary or expedient.

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