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Northern Irish Legislation

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Powers of leasing may be vested in trustees.

13. Where the Court shall deem it expedient that any general powers of leasing
any settled estates conformably to this Act should be vested in trustees, it
may by order vest any such power accordingly either in the existing trustees
of the settlement or in any other persons, and such powers, when exercised by
such trustees, shall take effect in all respects as if the power so vested in
them had been originally contained in the settlement, and so as to operate (if
necessary) by way of revocation and appointment of the use or otherwise, as
the Court shall direct; and in every such case the Court, if it shall think
fit, may impose any conditions as to consents or otherwise on the exercise of
such power, and the Court may also authorise the insertion of provisions for
the appointment of new trustees from time to time for the purpose of
exercising such powers of leasing as aforesaid.

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