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Northern Irish Legislation

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79.(1) The Secretary of State may by an order the draft of which has been
approved by the Assembly

(a)amend any of the following provisions, namely, Articles 8(3), 10, 21,
22(1), (2) and (3), 32(2), 33, 35, 36 and 44 to 49 (including any such
provision as amended by a previous order under this paragraph);

(b)amend or repeal any of the following provisions, namely, Articles 14(4),
15(4), 34 and 50 (including any such provision as amended by a previous order
under this paragraph);

(c)amend Part III, IV or V so as to render lawful an act which, apart from the
amendment, would be unlawful by reason of Article 8(1) or (2), 30(1), 31 or

(d)amend Article 14(1) so as to alter the number of partners specified in that

(2) The Secretary of State shall not be recommended to cause to be laid before
the Assembly the draft of an order under paragraph (1) unless the Commission
has been consulted about the contents of the draft.

(3) An order under paragraph (1)(c) may make such amendments to the list of
provisions given in paragraph (1)(a) as in the opinion of the Secretary of
State are expedient having regard to the contents of the order.

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