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Northern Irish Legislation

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61.(1) No information given to the Commission by any person ("the informant")
in connection with a formal investigation shall be disclosed by the
Commission, or by any person who is or has been a Commissioner, additional
Commissioner or employee of the Commission, except

(a)on the order of any court, or

(b)with the informant's consent, or

(c)in the form of a summary or other general statement published by the
Commission which does not identify the informant or any other person to whom
the information relates, or

(d)in a report of the investigation published by the Commission or made
available for inspection under Article 60(5), or

(e)to the Commissioners, additional Commissioners or employees of the
Commission, or, so far as may be necessary for the proper performance of the
functions of the Commission, to other persons, or

(f)for the purpose of any civil proceedings under this Order to which the
Commission is a party, or any criminal proceedings.

(2) Any person who discloses information in contravention of paragraph (1)
commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not
exceeding #400.

(3) In preparing any report for publication or for inspection the Commission
shall exclude, so far as is consistent with its duties and the object of the
report, any matter which relates to the private affairs of any individual or
business interests of any person where the publication of that matter might,
in the opinion of the Commission, prejudicially affect that individual or

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