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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SEX DISCRIMINATION (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1976

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49.(1) Nothing in Parts III to V shall render unlawful any act done by an
employer in relation to particular work in his employment, being an act done
in, or in connection with,

(a)affording his female employees only, or his male employees only, access to
facilities for training which would help to fit them for that work, or

(b)encouraging women only, or men only, to take advantage of opportunities for
doing that work,

(2) Nothing in Article 15 shall render unlawful any act done by an
organisation to which that Article applies in, or in connection with,

(a)affording female members of the organisation only, or male members of the
organisation only, access to facilities for training which would help to fit
them for holding a post of any kind in the organisation, or

(b)encouraging female members only, or male members only, to take advantage of
opportunities for holding such posts in the organisation,

(3) Nothing in Parts III to V shall render unlawful any act done by an
organisation to which Article 15 applies in, or in connection with,
encouraging women only, or men only, to become members of the organisation
where at any time within the twelve months immediately preceding the doing of
the act there were no persons of the sex in question among those members or
the number of persons of that sex among the members was comparatively small.

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