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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SMALL DWELLINGS ACQUISITION ACT 1899

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Suspension of condition as to residence.

7.(1) An advance may be made to an applicant who intended to reside in a
house, as if he were resident, if he undertakes to begin his residence therein
within such period not exceeding six months from the date of the advance, as
the [district council] may fix, and in that case the statutory condition
requiring residence shall be suspended during that period.

(2) The [district council] may allow a proprietor to permit, by letting or
otherwise, a house to be occupied as a furnished house by some other person
during a period not exceeding four months in the whole in any twelve months,
or during absence from the house in the performance of any duty arising from
or incidental to any office, service, or employment held or undertaken by him,
and the condition requiring residence shall be suspended while the permission

(3) Where the proprietor of a house subject to statutory conditions dies, the
condition requiring residence shall be suspended until the expiration of
twelve months from the death, or any earlier date at which the personal
representatives transfer the ownership or interest of the proprietor in the
course of administration; and where the proprietor of any such house becomes
bankrupt, or his estate is administered in bankruptcy and in either case an
arrangement under this Act is made with [the Official Assignee or] the trustee
in bankruptcy, the condition as to residence shall, if the [district council]
think fit, be suspended during the continuance of the arrangement.

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