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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SMALL DWELLINGS ACQUISITION ACT 1899

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1.(1) A [district council] for any [district] may, subject to the provisions
of this Act, advance money to a resident in any house within the [district]
for the purpose of enabling him to acquire the ownership of that house;
provided that any advance shall not exceed

(a)[ninety-five per centum] of that which in the opinion of the [district
council] is the market value of the ownership; nor

Para.(b) rep. by 1919 c.45 s.34

(2) Every such advance shall be repaid with interest within such period not
exceeding [fifty years] from the date of the advance as may be agreed upon.

Subs.(3) rep. by 1921 c.19 s.11(4) sch.

(4) The repayment may be made either by equal instalments of principal or by
an annuity of principal and interest combined, and all payments on account of
principal or interest shall be made either weekly or at any periods not
exceeding a half year, according as may be agreed.

(5) The proprietor of a house in respect of which an advance has been made may
at any of the usual quarter days, after one month's written notice, and on
paying all sums due on account of interest, repay to the [district council]
the whole of the outstanding principal of the advance, or any part thereof
being ten pounds or a multiple of ten pounds, and where the repayment is made
by an annuity of principal and interest combined, the amount so outstanding
and the amount by which the annuity will be reduced where a part of the
advance is paid off, shall be determined by a table annexed to the instrument
securing the repayment of the advance.

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