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Duty to slaughter animals in slaughter-houses at request of retailers of meat.

5A.(1) A district council which manages or has under its control a
slaughter-house and any other person operating a commercial slaughter-house
shall, at the request of any person carrying on the business of selling meat
by retail for human consumption in Northern Ireland, slaughter any animal
presented to it or him for slaughter for the purposes of that business, being
an animal of a kind which may be slaughtered in that slaughter-house.

(2) An animal so slaughtered in a commercial slaughter-house shall be
slaughtered upon such terms and conditions as shall be determined by the
Department and an animal so slaughtered in a slaughter-house managed or under
the control of a district council shall be slaughtered in accordance with the
bye-laws applying to that slaughter-house.

(3) In this section "commercial slaughter-house" means a slaughter-house which
is not managed by or under the control of a district council.

(4) A district council or other person who fails to comply with the provisions
of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence under this Act.]

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