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Remuneration of under-sheriffs.

5.Subs.(1) spent

(2) The following sums shall be paid annually out of moneys provided by
Parliament to the under-sheriffs appointed under this Act:

(b)to the under-sheriff of every county borough, the sum of one hundred and
fifty pounds; and

(c)to the under-sheriff of every county, the sum of two hundred pounds.

(3) Where one person is appointed under this Act to be under-sheriff for two
or more counties, the amount of the annual salary payable to him by the
council of each of those counties shall be one hundred and fifty pounds, and
the amount of the annual sum payable to him out of moneys provided by
Parliament in respect of each county shall be one hundred and fifty pounds
instead of the respective amounts specified in the foregoing provisions of
this section.

Ss.69 rep. by SLR 1927; SLR (NI) 1954; 1959 c.25 s.154(3) sch.5

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