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Powers and duties of under-sheriffs.

2.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, all the powers and duties of
the sheriff of a county or county borough... shall be transferred to and be
exercised and performed by the under-sheriff appointed for the county or
county borough under this Act, and the sheriff shall not be liable for, or in
respect of, any act or default of the under-sheriff so appointed.

(2) Notwithstanding the appointment of an under-sheriff under this Act, the
sheriff shall continue to discharge the duties of a sheriff in connection with
the reception of and attendance upon judges or commissioners at assizes
(including winter assizes) and commissions of oyer and terminer,..., and shall
be assisted by the under-sheriff in the performance of those duties.

S.3 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954; 1964 c.14 (NI) s.18 sch.

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