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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SHERIFFS (IRELAND) ACT 1920

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1.(1)... appointments to the office of under-sheriff shall be made by the Lord
Lieutenant instead of by the sheriff, and an under-sheriff shall be appointed
by the Lord Lieutenant for each county and county borough.

(2) Every under-sheriff appointed under this Act shall hold office during the
Lord Lieutenant's pleasure, and his tenure of office shall not be affected by
the appointment of a new sheriff.

(3) A person shall not be appointed to the office of under-sheriff under
this Act unless he is... a practising barrister of not less than five years'
standing, or a practising solicitor of not less than five years' standing, or
a person who, for not less than five years, has acted as manager, chief clerk,
or assistant of an under-sheriff.

[(4) In case of the death or incapacity of an under-sheriff the Secretary of
State may (without prejudice to any other power exercisable by him) appoint to
be deputy under-sheriff, for the purpose of the performance of the duties of
the under-sheriff in relation to county courts, a person qualified to be
appointed an under-sheriff; and a deputy under-sheriff so appointed shall hold
office until the vacancy is filled or, as the case may be, the under-sheriff
becomes capable of resuming his duties.]

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