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STAMP ACT 1891 - SECT 41

41. A bill of sale is not to be registered under any Act for the time being in
force relating to the registration of bills of sale unless the original, duly
stamped, is produced to the proper officer.

S.42 rep. by 1949 c.15 (NI) s.16 sch.4 Pt.II. S.43 rep. by 1952 c.13 (NI)
s.6(1)(2) sch.4 Pt.I. S.44 rep. by 1976 NI12 art.82(1) sch.3. Ss.4548 rep. by
1952 c.13 (NI) s.6(1)(2) sch.4 Pt.I

Provisions as to duty on charter-party.

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