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STAMP ACT 1891 - SECT 31

Penalties for issuing or receiving an unstamped bank note.

31.(1) If any banker, not being duly licensed or otherwise authorised to issue
unstamped bank notes, issues or permits to be issued, any bank note not being
duly stamped, he shall incur a fine of fifty pounds.

(2) If any person receives or takes in payment or as a security any bank note
issued unstamped contrary to law, knowing the same to have been so issued, he
shall incur a fine of twenty pounds.

S.32 rep. by 1962 c.17 (NI) s.8 sch. Pt.II; 1970 c.21 (NI) s.19 sch.3 Pt.III.
Ss.3339 rep. by 1961 c.10 (NI) s.14 sch.3 Pt.I; 1970 c.21 (NI) s.19 sch.3
Pt.III. S.40 rep. by 1949 c.15 (NI) s.16 sch.4 Pt.II

Bills of sale.

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