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STAMP ACT 1891 - SECT 15

15.(1) Save where other express provision is in this Act made, any unstamped
or insufficiently stamped instrument may be stamped after the execution
thereof, on payment of the unpaid duty and a penalty of ten pounds, and also
by way of further penalty, where the unpaid duty exceeds ten pounds, of
interest on such duty, at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, from
the day upon which the instrument was first executed up to the time when the
amount of interest is equal to the unpaid duty.

(2) In the case of such instruments herein-after mentioned as are chargeable
with ad valorem duty, the following provisions shall have effect:

(a)The instrument, unless it is written upon duly stamped material, shall be
duly stamped with the proper ad valorem duty before the expiration of thirty
days after it is first executed, or after it has been first received in the
United Kingdom in case it is first executed at any place out of the United
Kingdom, unless the opinion of the Commissioners with respect to the amount of
duty with which the instrument is chargeable, has, before such expiration,
been required under the provisions of this Act:

(b)If the opinion of the Commissioners with respect to any such instrument has
been required, the instrument shall be stamped in accordance with the
assessment of the Commissioners within fourteen days after notice of the

(c)If any such instrument executed after the sixteenth day of May one thousand
eight hundred and eighty-eight has not been or is not duly stamped in
conformity with the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the person in
that behalf herein-after specified shall incur a fine of ten pounds, and in
addition to the penalty payable on stamping the instrument there shall be paid
a further penalty equivalent to the stamp duty thereon, unless a reasonable
excuse for the delay in stamping, or the omission to stamp, or the
insufficiency of stamp, be afforded to the satisfaction of the Commissioners,
or of the court, judge, arbitrator, or referee before whom it is produced:

(d)The instruments and persons to which the provisions of this subsection are
to apply are as follows:

of any kind whatsoever.(3) Provided that save where other express provision is
made by this Act in relation to any particular instrument:

(a)Any unstamped or insufficiently stamped instrument which has been first
executed at any place out of the United Kingdom, may be stamped, at any time
within thirty days after it has been first received in the United Kingdom, on
payment of the unpaid duty only: and

(b)The Commissioners may, if they think fit, ... mitigate or remit any penalty
payable on stamping.

(4) The payment of any penalty payable on stamping is to be denoted on the
instrument by a particular stamp.

Rolls, books, &c. to be open to inspection.

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