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STAMP ACT 1891 - SECT 122


122.(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires

The expression "Commissioners" means Commissioners of Inland Revenue:

The expression "material" includes every sort of material upon which words or
figures can be expressed:

The expression "instrument" includes every written document:

The expression "stamp" means as well a stamp impressed by means of a die as an
adhesive stamp:

The expression "stamped", with reference to instruments and material, applies
as well to instruments and material impressed with stamps by means of a die as
to instruments and material having adhesive stamps affixed thereto:

The expressions "executed" and "execution", with reference to instruments not
under seal, mean signed and signature:

The expression "money" includes all sums expressed in British or in any
foreign or colonial currency:

The expression "stock" includes any share in any stocks or funds transferable
at the Bank of England or at the Bank of Ireland, and India promissory notes,
and any share in the stocks or funds of any foreign or colonial state or
government, or in the capital stock or funded debt of any county council,
corporation, company, or society in the United Kingdom, or of any foreign or
colonial corporation, company, or society:

The expression "marketable security" means a security of such a description as
to be capable of being sold in any stock market in the United Kingdom:

Definition rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

S.123 rep. by SLR 1908. S.124 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

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