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STAMP ACT 1891 - SECT 111

111.(1) For the purposes of this Act the expression "warrant for goods" means
any document or writing, being evidence of the title of any person therein
named, or his assigns, or the holder thereof, to the property in any goods,
wares, or merchandise lying in any warehouse or dock, or upon any wharf, and
signed or certified by or on behalf of the person having the custody of the
goods, wares, or merchandise.

Subs.(2)(3) rep. by 1949 c.15 (NI) s.16 sch.4 Pt.II

Ss.112, 113 rep. by 1973 NI18 art.16 sch.4. S.114 rep. with saving by 1970
c.21 (NI) ss.6, 19 schs.2 Pt.II, 3 Pt.II. S.115 rep. by 1967 c.20(NI) s.20
sch.3 Pt.I; 1976 c.40 s.132 sch.15 Pt.VI. S.116 rep. by 1970 c.21 (NI) s.19
sch.3 Pt.II

Conditions and agreements as to stamp duty void.

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