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Northern Irish Legislation

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Purchase monies shall be paid to those whom the principal officers may direct, for the use of Her Majesty.

13. The monies to arise and be produced by the sale or exchange of any of the
said messuages, buildings, castles, forts, lines, or other fortifications,
manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, which shall be so sold or
exchanged under the provisions of this present Act, shall be paid by the
respective purchaser or purchasers thereof, or the person or persons making
such exchange, to such person or persons as the said principal officers for
the time being shall direct or appoint to receive the same, for the use of Her
Majesty; and the receipt of the said principal officers for such monies, (such
receipt to be indorsed on every such conveyance, ..., or assignment as
aforesaid), shall effectually discharge the purchaser or purchasers, or person
or persons, by whom or on whose account the same shall be paid.

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