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Northern Irish Legislation

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Lands, &c. may be sold, exchanged, or let.

12. Save and except as herein-after is mentioned, it shall and may be lawful
for the said principal officers for the time being to sell, exchange, or in
any manner dispose of, or to let or demise any of the messuages, buildings,
castles, forts, lines, or other fortifications, manors, lands, tenements or
hereditaments respectively, which shall be vested in them under and by virtue
of this present Act, with their respective appurtenances, either by public
auction or private contract; and to convey, ..., assign, or make over, or to
grant or demise the same respectively (as the case may require,) to any person
or persons who shall be willing to purchase or take the same in exchange or
otherwise respectively, and also to do any other act, matter, or thing in
relation to any such messuages, buildings, castles, forts, lines, or other
fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, which shall by
the said principal officers be deemed beneficial to the public service, in
relation thereto, or for the better management thereof, which might be done by
any person having a like interest in any such like messuages, buildings,
castles, forts, lines or other fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, or
hereditaments: Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall be
construed to give to the said principal officers of Her Majesty's ordnance for
the time being a greater or better estate in the said messuages, buildings,
castles, forts, lines, or other fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, and
hereditaments, or any of them, than was vested in Her Majesty, or in the
person or persons holding the same in trust for Her Majesty, at the time of
the passing of this Act.

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