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Northern Irish Legislation

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Principal officers may authorize persons to survey and mark out lands, &c. and treat with owners for the absolute purchase thereof, &c.

16. It shall be lawful for the principal officers of Her Majesty's ordnance
for the time being to enter on, survey, and mark out, or to cause to be
surveyed and marked out, any lands, buildings, or other hereditaments or
easements wanted for the service of the ordnance department, or for the
defence of the realm, or to stop up or divert any public or private footpaths
or bridle-roads, and to treat and agree with the owner or owners of such
lands, buildings, hereditaments, or easements, or with any person or persons
interested therein, either for the absolute purchase thereof, or for the
possession or use thereof during such time as the exigence of the public
service shall require.

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