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Principal officers exempted from personal liability.

37. Nothing contained in this Act, or to be contained in any covenant,
contract, lease, or other instrument hereby authorized to be entered into,
made, taken, or executed by the said principal officers or any of them, shall
extend to charge the person or persons of all or any of the said principal
officers executing any such covenant, contract, lease, or other instrument, or
the heirs, executors, or administrators of the same principal officers, or any
of them, or their or any of their own proper lands, tenements, goods, or
chattels, with or for the performance of all or any of the covenants,
conditions, or agreements in the same covenant, contract, lease, or other
instrument to be contained on the part of the same principal officers, or any
of them; nor shall any officer of Her Majesty's ordnance be personally liable,
nor shall the property of any such officer be liable to any legal process or
execution in such actions, suits, arbitrations, or other proceedings as

S.38 rep. by SLR 1874 (No. 2)

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