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Northern Irish Legislation

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Principal officers may give notices, make claims, and authorize entries, &c.

36. It shall be lawful for the said principal officers for the time being, and
they are hereby authorized and empowered, to give any notice, make any claim
or demand, and to depute or authorize any person or persons to make an entry,
which shall be requisite or expedient to be given or made by or on behalf of
Her Majesty with a view either to compel any tenant, lessee, or occupier of
any part or parts of the said possessions of the crown which are or may be by
law vested in the principal officers of Her Majesty's ordnance, to quit or
deliver up the possession thereof, or to compel the performance of any
covenant, contract, or engagement in relation thereto, or to recover
possession non-performance of any covenant, contract, or agreement, or to
compel the payment of any sum of money which ought to be paid in respect
thereof, and to give any other notice, make any other claim or demand, and
depute any person or persons to make any other entry which shall or may be
requisite or expedient to be given or made by or for or on behalf of Her
Majesty touching any of the said possessions which are or may be by law vested
in the principal officers of Her Majesty's ordnance; and every such notice,
claim, or demand which shall be given or made in writing under the hands of
the said principal officers for the time being, or any two of them, for any of
the purposes aforesaid, and every entry which shall be made by any person or
persons deputed or authorized by the said principal officers to make the same,
on behalf of Her Majesty, into or upon any of the said estates or possessions,
shall be good, valid, and effectual to all intents and purposes whatsoever.

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