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Northern Irish Legislation

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Application of purchase money when less than #200 and above #20.

27. Provided always, that in case such purchase money as is lastly
herein-before mentioned shall be less than the sum of two hundred pounds, and
shall exceed the sum of twenty pounds, then and in all such cases the same
shall, at the option of the person or persons for the time being entitled to
the rents and profits of the messuages, buildings, castles, forts, lines, or
other fortifications, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments, so
purchased, or of his, her, or their guardian or guardians, committee or
committees, in case of infancy or lunacy, to be signified in writing under
their respective hands, be paid into the hands of the said remembrancer, ...
or other public officer respectively of the said Court of Exchequer, in order
to be applied in manner herein-before directed; or otherwise the same shall be
paid, at the like option, to three trustees, to be nominated by the person or
persons making such option, and approved of by the said principal officers, or
any three or more of them, such nomination or approbation to be signified in
writing, under the hands of the nominating and approving parties, in order
that such principal money may be invested in the purchase of stock in the
public funds, and that such stock, when purchased, and the dividends arising
therefrom, may be applied in manner herein-before directed, so far as the case
be applicable, without obtaining or being required to obtain the order,
direction, or approbation of the said Court of Exchequer.

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