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Northern Irish Legislation

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Lands not to be taken for the defence of the realm without consent of the owners unless in certain cases.

23.L Provided always, that no such lands, buildings, or other hereditaments
shall be so taken without the consent of the owner or owners thereof, or of
any such person or persons as aforesaid, acting for or on the behalf of the
owner or owners thereof, unless the necessity or expediency of taking the same
shall be first certified by the lord lieutenant, or two of the deputy
lieutenants, or by the governor or two deputy governors of the county, riding,
city, or place in which such lands, buildings, or other hereditaments lie, and
unless such lands, buildings, or other hereditaments be authorized by a
warrant of the Treasury, or unless the enemy shall have actually invaded the
United Kingdom at the time when such lands, buildings, or other hereditaments
shall be so taken.

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