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Board of Trade may disallow byelaw.

9. It shall be lawful for the lords of the said committee, at any time either
before or after any byelaw, order, rule, or regulation shall have been laid
before them as aforesaid shall have come into operation, to notify to the
company who shall have made the same their disallowance thereof, and, in case
the same shall be in force at the time of such disallowance, the time at which
the same shall cease to be in force; and no byelaw, order, rule, or regulation
which shall be so disallowed, shall have any force or effect whatsoever; or,
if it shall be in force at the time of such disallowance, it shall cease to
have any force or effect at the time limited in the notice of such
disallowance, saving in so far as any penalty may have been then already
incurred under the same.

Ss.1012 rep. by 1871 c.78 s.17 sch.2

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