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Saving the rights of the governor and assistants of London of the new plantation in Ulster, and of lords of manors.

205. Nothing in this Act contained shall extend to prejudice, diminish, alter,
or take away any of the rights, privileges, powers, or authorities vested in
or enjoyed by, or duties or liabilities imposed upon, the society of the
governor and assistants of London of the new plantation in Ulster within the
realm of Ireland, under or by virtue of any charter or charters heretofore
granted to them by the Crown, or of any statute or statutes in anywise
relating thereto, or any rights, privileges, powers, or authorities vested in
or enjoyed by or any liabilities imposed on any lord of any manor, or any
person or persons other than the member or members of a body corporate in his
or their corporate capacity, or a person or persons elected or appointed by
any such body corporate, or some member or members thereof.

Ss.206212 rep. by SLR 1874 (No .2). Ss.213, 214 rep. by 1866 c.39 s.46 sch.C

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