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Northern Irish Legislation

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Enactments empowering two justices to decide disputes respecting the proper places for openings in the ledges or flanches of railways, repealed.

18. And whereas many railway companies are bound by the provisions of the Acts
of Parliament by which they are incorporated or regulated, to make, at the
expence of the owner or occupier of lands adjoining the railway, openings in
the ledges or flanches thereof (except at certain places on such railway in
the said Acts specified), for effecting communications between such railway
and any collateral or branch railway to be laid down over such lands; and any
disagreement or difference which shall arise as to the proper places for
making any such openings in the ledges or flanches is by such Acts directed to
be referred to the decision of any two justices of the peace within their
respective jurisdictions: And whereas it is expedient that so much of every
clause, provision, and enactment in any Act of Parliament heretofore passed,
as gives to any justice or justices the power of hearing or deciding upon any
such disagreement or difference as to the proper places for any such openings
in the ledges or flanches of any railway, should be repealed: So much of every
such clause, provision, and enactment as aforesaid shall be repealed.

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