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Northern Irish Legislation

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Justice of the peace may send any case to be tried by the quarter sessions.

14. Provided always, that (if upon the hearing of any such complaint he shall
think fit) it shall be lawful for such justice, instead of deciding upon the
matter of complaint summarily, to commit the person or persons charged with
such offence for trial for the same at the quarter sessions for the county or
place wherein such offence shall have been committed and to order that any
such person so committed shall be imprisoned and detained in any of Her
Majesty's [prisons] in the said county or place in the meantime, or to take
bail for his appearance, with or without sureties, in his discretion; and
every such person so offending, and convicted before such court or quarter
sessions as aforesaid (which said court is hereby required to take cognizance
of and hear and determine such complaint), shall be liable, in the discretion
of such court, to be imprisoned, ... for any term not exceeding two years.

S.15 rep. by 1871 c.78 s.17 sch.2

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