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Northern Irish Legislation

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Council may assume the powers of commissioners under 1828 c.82 for lighting streets of any borough.

124. The council of any borough named in the said schedule (A) shall have and
exercise the powers given to the commissioners under the said Lighting of
Towns (Ireland) Act, 1828, so far as relates to the lighting of such borough,
or of any such part thereof as shall not, by virtue of the provisions
herein-before contained, be placed within the provisions of any local Act for
lighting the same; and the powers and duties vested in such commissioners (if
any) in regard to lighting shall thereupon cease and determine; ....

Ss.125204 rep. by 1850 c.73 s.1; SLR 1874 (No.2); SLR 1875; SLR 1890 (No. 2);
SLR 1892; SLR 1894; 1898 c.37 s.110 sch.6; 1908 c.37 s.2 sch.; 1954 c.9 (NI)
s.29 sch.7; SLR (NI) 1954; 1959 c.15 (NI) s.38 sch.; 1959 c.25 (NI) s.154(3)
sch.5; 1962 c.30 s.30(2)(a) sch.4 Pt.I; 1964 c.21 (NI) s.172 sch.7; 1966 c.38
(NI) s.28 sch.3; 1972 c.9 (NI) s.149 sch.9; 1972 NI 16 art.63(3) sch.19; SI
1973/2095; 1978 c.23 s.122(2) sch.7

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