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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RAILWAY REGULATION ACT 1840

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Council may order parts of borough not within local Act as to lighting to be included in such Act.

123. ... It shall be lawful for the council of any borough in any part of
which there is a local Act for the lighting thereof to make an order that any
part of such borough, not being within the provisions of any local Act for the
lighting thereof, shall, from and after a certain day to be named in such
order, be taken to be within the provisions of such local Act or Acts for
lighting any part of such borough, as the council shall specify in such order;
and after such day the part named in such order shall be within the provisions
of the Act or Acts so specified, so far as relates to lighting, ..., as fully
as if such part had been originally named in such Act or Acts, any thing in
such Act or Acts to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, that every
part named in such order shall be lighted in the like manner as those parts
which before the making of such order were within the provisions of such local
Act; ....

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