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Northern Irish Legislation

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7.(1) The registry of deeds shall continue to be situated in Belfast.

(2) The staff of the registry of deeds shall

(a)consist of a registrar, an assistant registrar and such other officers and
persons as in the opinion of the Ministry of Finance (in this Act referred to
as "the Ministry") are required for the service of the registry;

(b)be appointed by the Ministry;

(3) The direction, management and superintendence of the registry of deeds
shall be the duty of the registrar of deeds.

(4) In order to facilitate the business of the registry of deeds and without
in any way diminishing the responsibility of the registrar of deeds, the
assistant registrar of deeds may sign official documents and do all official
acts necessary for the carrying out of the functions of the registry and
anything which is required to be done to the registrar may be done to the
assistant registrar and this subsection shall apply notwithstanding the fact
that the office of registrar of deeds may be vacant.

(5) The powers and duties of the registrar and assistant registrar under
this Act may, in the absence of the registrar and assistant registrar, be
exercised and performed by an officer nominated in that behalf by the Ministry
and anything which is required to be done to the registrar may be done to the
officer so nominated.

(6) The registry of deeds shall be kept open for the transaction of business
during such hours or other periods of time as the Ministry may by order made
subject to negative resolution provide.

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