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Northern Irish Legislation

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Office copies of memorials to be received in evidence.

6.(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), in any proceedings before any court
an office copy of a memorial of a registered document filed in the registry of
deeds shall, upon such office copy being proved in like manner as an office
copy of any other record, be received and taken as evidence of the contents of
the memorial of which it purports to be an office copy without the production
of the original memorial.

(2) A party to any proceedings shall if out of Belfast ten days, and if in
Belfast eight days, before producing such office copy as aforesaid in those
proceedings give notice in writing thereof to the other party to the
proceedings and that other party may within four days after receiving such
notice demand by a counter notice the original document shall be produced.

(3) Where a counter notice is given under subsection (2), subsection (1) shall
not apply and the court in which the proceedings take place or the taxing
officer of such court shall determine which of the parties shall pay the costs
of producing the original memorial.

The registry of deeds

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