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Northern Irish Legislation

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Effect of registration.

4.(1) Subject to subsection (3) and section 5, every document which is
registered shall be deemed and taken as good and effectual both in law and
equity according to the priority of time of registering it and the priority of
time of registering a document registered after the 30th April 1968 shall be
determined by the serial number allocated thereto pursuant to section 8 and
not by the actual time of registering the document.

(2) Subject to subsection (3) and section 5, a deed or conveyance affecting
any land in Northern Ireland which is not registered shall be void against a
registered document affecting those lands and against a registered order
charging those lands made under [the Judgments Enforcement (Northern Ireland)
Order 1981].

(3) Where a person or the agent of that person has actual knowledge of a prior
document, which has not been registered, affecting any unregistered land,
registration of a subsequent document which transfers, or confers an estate
in, the land to or on that person shall not operate so as to confer priority
on, or make the prior document void in relation to, that subsequent document.

(4) In subsection (3), "agent" means a person who is generally authorised to
act for his principal in respect of dealings in land or who is specially
authorised by his principal to deal in the land the subject matter of the
prior document and who in either case obtains knowledge of the prior document
in the course of the same transaction with respect to which the question of
knowledge arises.

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