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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> REGISTRATION OF DEEDS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1970

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Short title and commencement.

22.(1) This Act may be cited as the Registration of Deeds Act (Northern
Ireland) 1970.

(2) Commencement

1. Every memorial of any document to be registered in the registry of deeds
shall, subject to paragraph 2, specify:

(a)the date of the document and when it was perfected;

(b)the names, addresses and occupations or descriptions of all the parties and
witnesses to the document as stated in the document; and

(c)the land affected by the document and, so far and in the like manner or to
the like effect as the land is described in the document,

(i)in the case of land situate wholly or partly in a county borough, the name
of the county borough in which such land or any part of such land is situate,
together with the name of every street in which such land or part is situate;

(ii)in the case of land situate wholly or partly elsewhere than in a county
borough, the name of every county, barony and townland in which such land or
any part of such land is situate and also, where such land or part is situate
in any town or village, the name of every town, village and street in which it
is situate.

2. Where there are two or more documents for making and perfecting any
conveyance or security and those documents name, mention or otherwise affect
the same land, it shall be a sufficient compliance with paragraph 1(c) if the
memorial of one of those documents states the matters required by that
paragraph and the memorials of the other documents contain a reference to that
memorial and particulars of its registration.

3. Upon every memorial brought into the registry of deeds to be registered
there shall be endorsed the name and address of the solicitor or party so
bringing such memorial or causing it to be so brought.

Schedule 2Repeals

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