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Northern Irish Legislation

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Proof of execution of documents, judgments, etc.

2.(1) Except as otherwise provided by subsection (3) or by any other provision
of the Registration of Deeds Acts, a document shall not be registered in the
registry of deeds unless its execution by a grantor under the document is
attested by two witnesses who subscribe their names and addresses and
occupations or descriptions to the document.

(2) Where, on the execution of a document by a body corporate, the seal of
that body is affixed to the document in the presence of any two or more than
two persons who sign that document as persons present at the affixing of the
seal, each of those persons shall, for the purposes of the Registration of
Deeds Acts, be deemed to be a valid witness to the execution of the document
by the body corporate.

(3) Without prejudice to any other provision in the Registration of Deeds Acts

(a)any judgment, decree or order of a court which affects unregistered land
may be registered by the lodgment in the registry of deeds of two copies
thereof, one of which shall be certified by the court entering or making the

(b)the certified copy of such judgment, decree or order shall, for the
purposes of this Act, be treated as the document to be registered and the
other copy thereof shall, subject to section 12 and to any regulations made
thereunder, be treated for those purposes as the memorial of that document;

(c)such registration may be vacated by the lodgment in the registry of deeds
of a certificate of the appropriate court stating such matters as may be

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