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Northern Irish Legislation

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Common and negative searches by registry of deeds.

13.(1) A requisition may be made to the registry of deeds for a common search
or negative search to be made by an officer of that registry of the records
and documents therein, and such requisition shall be in such form, contain
such particulars and be signed by such person as may be prescribed.

(2) All requisitions under subsection (1) shall be kept in the registry of
deeds in the prescribed manner.

(3) Every common search and every negative search required by a requisition
under subsection (1) shall be carried out in the manner and subject to the
conditions prescribed for such a search.

(4) A statement or, in the case of a negative search, a certificate, in the
prescribed form, containing the prescribed particulars and signed by such
person as may be prescribed, shall, on the completion of every search carried
out by the registry of deeds pursuant to a requisition under subsection (1),
be issued to the person making the requisition.

(5) A certificate under subsection (4) shall include a copy of the requisition
pursuant to which the negative search was carried out.

(6) For the purposes of any action brought by virtue of section 17, any error
in or omission from any certificate under subsection (4) shall, according to
the contents thereof, be evidence of a breach of duty imposed under the
Registration of Deeds Acts upon the person signing the certificate, both in
respect of the execution of the search and of the extent and nature of the

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