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Northern Irish Legislation

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1.(1) Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the
rules made thereunder, a deed or conveyance affecting land in Northern Ireland
may be registered in the Registry of Deeds for Northern Ireland (in this Act
referred to as "the registry of deeds").

(2) A deed or conveyance brought to the registry of deeds to be registered
shall be produced to the registrar together with a memorial in writing of that
deed or conveyance which memorial shall be directed to the registrar and shall
comply with the provisions of Schedule 1.

(3) The registrar shall satisfy himself that the execution of the deed or
conveyance has been witnessed in the manner provided by section 2.

(4) On the registrar being so satisfied, the memorial shall be compared with
the deed or conveyance and if the several particulars required by Schedule 1
to be in the memorial are contained in the memorial and are, if contained in
the deed or conveyance, correctly stated from the deed or conveyance, then,
subject to the provisions of this Act, the deed or conveyance shall be
registered but not otherwise.

(5) When the deed or conveyance is registered, the registrar shall endorse on
it and sign a certificate stating the serial number allocated to it under
section 8 and the date on which that number was so allocated.

(6) A certificate of registration endorsed under subsection (5) on a deed or
conveyance shall be admitted and taken in any court of record as evidence of
that registration.

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