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Sections 2, 10.

38. This Act may be cited as the registration of Clubs Act (Northern Ireland)

Section 10.

, owner(s) of the premises occupied [or to be occupied] by the club,
designated in the accompanying application, hereby declare that, to the best
of my/our knowledge and belief, the said club is to be [or, in the case of an
appliction by an existing club, has been and is to be] conducted in good faith
as a club, and not mainly for the supply of intoxicating liquor.

Section 3.

, hereby certify that the < Club, of(full postal address of all premises used by the club)is registered under the Registration of Clubs Act (Northernreland) 1967.



day of , 19 <.egistrar of Clubs.intoxicating liquor therein or in the profits arising from such supply.

3. The committee or governing body shall hold periodical meetings.

4. The names and addresses of persons proposed as ordinary members of the club
shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the club premises for at least
one week before their election, and that an interval of not less than two
weeks shall elapse between the nomination and election of ordinary members.

5. All members, other than temporary members of a club the primary object of
which is the provision of outdoor recreational facilities for its members,
shall be elected by the whole body of members having rights of voting in
relation to the affairs of the club or by the committee or governing body,
with or without specially added members.

6. If persons, other than such temporary members as are mentioned in
paragraph 5, are elected as members by a procedure which does not comply with
paragraph 4 they shall not be admitted to any of the privileges of membership
until the expiration of a period of at least two days from their election.

7. Persons shall not be admitted in such numbers to membership not carrying
rights of voting in relation to the affairs of the club as will result in the
number of members not having such rights being more than three times the
number of members having such rights.

8. No persons shall be allowed to become honorary or temporary members of the
club or be relieved of the payment of the regular entrance fee or
subscription, except those possessing certain qualifications defined in the
rules and subject to conditions and regulations specified therein.

9. There shall be a defined subscription payable by members in advance.

10. No person under the age of eighteen years shall be admitted to membership
of the club.

11. Intoxicating liquor shall not be supplied to any person under the age of
eighteen years.

12. Correct accounts and books shall be kept showing the receipts, expenditure
and financial affairs of the club.

13. The same person, except where that person is a parent, husband, wife or
child of a member, shall not be admitted as a visitor to the club premises on
more than twenty days in any period of twelve months.

14. A visitor shall, immediately on his admission to the club premises, enter
his name and address in a book which shall be kept for that purpose and which
shall show the date of each visit.

15. A visitor shall not be supplied with intoxicating liquor in the club
premises unless upon the invitation and in the company of a member.

16. Intoxicating liquor may be supplied on the premises of the club only
during hours specified in the rules, being hours within the limits in that
behalf provided for in section 3, or, in the case of a nightworkers club to
which section 4 applies, that section.

17. A statement, printed in plain type, of the hours during which
intoxicating liquor may be supplied on the premises of the club shall be
exhibited in a conspicuous part of the club premises.

18. Intoxicating liquor shall not be supplied to persons who are not members
of the club for consumption outside the premises of the club.

19. Intoxicating liquor shall not be supplied to members of the club for
consumption outside the premises of the club except where the liquor is
supplied in such quantities and during such hours, being hours within the
permitted hours, and on such days as the district inspector of the Royal
Ulster Constabulary acting for the district in which the premises are situate
may authorise in writing.

1. That the application made by the club is in any respect specified in the
objection not in conformity with the provisions of this Act.

2. That the rules of the club are in any respect specified in the objection
not in conformity with the provisions of this Act.

3. That the club has ceased to exist or has less than twenty-five members
having voting rights in relation to the affairs of the club.

4. That the premises of the club are unsuitable.

5. That the club occcupies premises in respect of which, within five years
immediately preceding the application for the registration of the club, a
licence for the sale of intoxicating liquor has been forfeited, or a
certificate under the Licensing Acts (Northern Ireland) for the renewal or the
renewal of any such licence has been refused, or in respect of which an order
has been made under section 15 or 31 or under the corresponding provisions of
any enactment repealed by this Act, that they shall not be used for the
purposes of a registered club.

6. That the club is not conducted in good faith as a club, or that it is kept
or habitually used for any unlawful purpose, or mainly for the supply of
intoxicating liquor.

7. That there is frequent drunkenness on the club premises, or that persons in
a state of intoxication are frequently seen to leave the club premises.

8. That the club is conducted in a disorderly manner.

9. That illegal sales or consumption of intoxicating liquor have taken place
on the club premises.

10. That persons who are not members are habitually admitted to the club
merely for the purpose of obtaining intoxicating liquor.

11. That the supply of intoxicating liquor to the club is not under the
control of the members having voting rights in relation to the affairs of the
club or of the committee of management or governing body of the club.

12. That any of the rules of the club are habitually broken.

13. That the rules of the club have been changed so as not to be in conformity
with the provisions of this Act.

14. That the club has failed to comply with the requirements of section 21.

15. That the chairman or secretary or any officer or member of the committee
of management or governing body is an unsuitable person.

Schedule 4f3xtlf180f5p80sl90sm2506f1hi103xh99$$#

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