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Proof of supply or consumption of intoxicating liquor.

33.Subs.(1) rep. by 1971 c.13 (NI) s.86(5) sch.12 Pt.I

(2) Evidence that consumption of intoxicating liquor was about to take place
shall, in any such proceedings as aforesaid, be evidence of the consumption of
intoxicating liquor without proof of actual consumption.

(3) Evidence that any person obtained, consumed or intended to consume
intoxicating liquor in the premises of a registered club shall, in any such
proceedings as aforesaid, be evidence that the liquor was ... supplied by or
on behalf of the club.

(4) Where it is proved that intoxicating liquor has been received, delivered
or distributed within the premises of a registered club and taken outside the
premises, it shall, failing proof to the contrary, be deemed to have been so
taken for consumption outside the premises.

(5) Where intoxicating liquor in open vessels is found in the premises of a
registered club during any period when the consumption of intoxicating liquor
in those premises is prohibited by this Act, consumption of
intoxicating liquor shall, in any proceedings for a contravention of any
provisions of this Act, be deemed to have taken place during that period and
in those premises unless and until the contrary is proved.

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