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Recording of convictions and consequences thereof.

31.(1) Where a registered club is convicted of an offence under this Act, such
conviction shall be recorded in the register of clubs and on the certificate
of registration of that club unless the court by which the club is convicted
is satisfied that by reason of the existence of extenuating circumstances in
connection with the offence (which circumstances shall be specified in the
order of the court) the conviction ought not to be recorded.

(2) If in any period of ten successive years three or more convictions are
recorded against a registered club whether under subsection (1) or under the
corresponding provision of any enactment repealed by this Act, the court
before which the third of such convictions takes place shall order that, for
such period as may be specified by the court in the order but not being less
than three nor more than ten years, the premises then occupied by the club
shall not be occupied or used for the purposes of any registered club.

(3) Any person who is aggrieved by reason of the period specified by the court
under subsection (2) may appeal under Part XIII of the Magistrates' Courts Act
(Northern Ireland) 1964 against the order on the ground that the period is

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