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Removal of names from register.

13.(1) If any firm or individual registered under this Act ceases to carry on
business, it shall be the duty of the persons who were partners in the firm at
the time when it ceased to carry on business or of the individual or if he is
dead his personal representative, within three months after the business has
ceased to be carried on, to send by post or deliver to the registrar notice in
the prescribed form that the firm or individual has ceased to carry on
business, and if any person whose duty it is to give such notice fails to do
so within such time as aforesaid, he shall be liable on summary conviction to
a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.

(2) On receipt of such a notice as aforesaid the registrar may remove the firm
or individual from the register.

(3) Where the registrar has reasonable cause to believe that any firm or
individual registered under this Act is not carrying on business he may send
to the firm or individual by registered post a notice that, unless an answer
is received to such notice within one month from the date thereof, the firm or
individual may be removed from the register.

(4) If the registrar either receives an answer from the firm or individual to
the effect that the firm or individual is not carrying on business or does not
within one month after sending the notice receive an answer, he may remove the
firm or individual from the register.

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