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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' PENSIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1960

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Children's pension: rate and mode of payment.

8.(1) Only one children's pension shall be granted in respect of the service
of any one person, but

(a)the rate thereof may vary according to the number of persons for whose
benefit it can for the time being enure; and

(b)it shall be paid to such person or persons as the Ministry of Finance may
from time to time direct, and different parts thereof may be directed to be
paid to different persons; and

(c)the person to whom all or any part thereof is paid shall apply the sum paid
to him, without distinction, for the benefit of all the persons for whose
benefit the pension can for the time being enure or for the benefit of such of
them as the Ministry of Finance from time to time directs.

(2) Where the deceased does not leave a widow and, if he leaves a widow, after
her death, the annual amount of a children's pension

(a)while the persons for whose benefit it can enure are three or more in
number, may amount to one-third of the annual amount of the personal pension;

(b)while those persons are two in number, may amount to one-quarter of the
annual amount of the personal pension;

(c)while there is only one such person, may amount to one-sixth of the annual
amount of the personal pension.

(3) Subject to sub-section (4), where the deceased leaves a widow, the annual
amount of a children's pension during her life

(a)while the persons for whose benefit it can enure are four or more in
number, may amount to one-third of the annual amount of the personal pension;

(b)while those persons are three in number, may amount to one-quarter of the
annual amount of the personal pension;

(c)while those persons are two in number, may amount to one-sixth of the
annual amount of the personal pension;

(d)while there is only one such person, may amount to one-twelfth of the
annual amount of the personal pension.

(4) Notwithstanding anything in this section, where the deceased leaves a
widow who remarries, a children's pension shall not be payable as respects any
period when she has a husband unless the Ministry of Finance specially directs
that such a pension shall be so payable, but, if that Ministry does specially
so direct, it may, if it thinks fit, further direct that sub-section (2) shall
apply as respects any such period notwithstanding that the widow is alive.

Contribution towards cost of widow's and children's pension.

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