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Children's pension: beneficiaries.

6.(1) A children's pension may be granted if, and be paid so long as and
whenever, there are persons for whose benefit it can enure.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this section, the persons for whose benefit a
children's pension can enure are any such children as are referred to in
section four who are for the time being in their period of childhood and
full-time education.

(3) A children's pension cannot enure for the benefit of any person conceived
or adopted by the deceased after the end of his service as a
resident magistrate.

(4) A children's pension cannot enure for the benefit of a female person who
at the time of the death of the deceased was married and if, after the death
of the deceased, a female person marries, she shall thereupon cease to be a
person for whose benefit a children's pension can enure.

(5) A children's pension cannot enure for the benefit of any children of a
resident magistrate who, by virtue of paragraph (c) of sub-section (5) of
section nine, is not required to make any contribution towards the cost of the
liabilities assumed under this Act for the benefit of his widow and children.

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