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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' PENSIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1960

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3.(1) Where a resident magistrate on retirement becomes eligible for a
pension, the Ministry of Finance may in addition grant to him a lump sum equal
to twice the annual amount of that pension.

(2) Where a serving resident magistrate dies who, if, at the time of his
death, he had retired on the ground of permanent infirmity, would have become
eligible under this Act for a pension, subject to sub-section (3) of section
eighteen, the Ministry of Finance may grant to his representatives a lump sum
equal to

(a)twice the annual amount of the pension for which he would have been so
eligible; or

(b)his last annual salary;

(3) Where

(a)a person to whom paragraph (b) of sub-section (2) of section two applies
dies after he has completed less than five years' service as a
resident magistrate; and

(b)his aggregated service is not less than five years' service but less than
ten years' service;

(4) Where a resident magistrate on retirement becomes eligible for a pension
but dies so soon after his retirement that the sums paid or payable to him on
account of that pension when added to an amount equal to twice the annual
amount of that pension fall short of the amount of the lump sum which would
have been granted under sub-section (2) to his representatives if, at the time
of his retirement from service as a resident magistrate, he had died while
serving as a resident magistrate, the Ministry of Finance may grant to his
representatives a lump sum equal to the deficiency.

Power to grant widows' and children's pensions.

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