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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' PENSIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1960

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Short title.

23.(1) This Act may be cited as the resident Magistrates' Pensions Act
(Northern Ireland), 1960.

Subs.(2) rep. by SLR 1973

1. When the number of completed years of service as a resident magistrate is
that specified in the first column of the following table, the annual pension
shall not exceed the fraction of the retiring salary respectively specified in
the second column of that table.

2. Any period of service after twenty years shall not be taken into account
for the purposes of this Part.

1. Where a person to whom paragraph (b) of sub-section (2) of section two
applies has served as a resident magistrate for less than five years and his
aggregated service is not less than ten years' service, subject to
paragraph 3, the amount of the annual pension shall not exceed one-eightieth
of his retiring salary as a resident magistrate in respect of each year of his
aggregated service.

2. Where a person to whom paragraph (b) of sub-section (2) of section two
applies has served as a resident magistrate for not less than five years,
subject to paragraph 3, the amount of the annual pension shall not exceed the
aggregate of

(a)the annual amount of the pension (calculated in accordance with Part I) for
which he would have become eligible if he had served only as a
resident magistrate (without regard to any service by him in whole-time
employment to which the Superannuation Acts apply); and

(b)one-eightieth of his retiring salary as a resident magistrate in respect of
each year of service in whole-time employment to which the Superannuation Acts

3. A pension calculated under this Part shall not exceed whichever is the
greater of the following amounts, that is to say

(a)one-half of the resident magistrates' retiring salary; or

(b)one-half of his retiring salary in any employment to which the
Superannuation Acts apply.

4. In this Part "retiring salary" in relation to any employment to which the
Superannuation Acts apply has the same meaning as in section eighteen.

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