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Evidence as to health.

16.(1) Subject to sub-sections (2) to (4), a person about to be appointed a
resident magistrate shall, before being so appointed, furnish to the Minister
satisfactory evidence that his health is suitable for the discharge of the
duties of that office.

(2) A person about to be appointed a resident magistrate may elect that he
shall not, before being so appointed, furnish evidence as to his health, and
where a person is appointed as a resident magistrate after having made such an
election, then, subject to sub-section (3), as respects him,
the specified provisions shall not have effect until he has completed ten
years' service.

(3) Where the Minister is satisfied that the health of a resident magistrate
who has made an election under sub-section (2) has throughout his service been
such that it has enabled him duly to discharge the duties of his office, the
Minister may, after the completion of ten years' service by that
resident magistrate, direct that the specified provisions shall have effect as
if he had not made that election.

(4) A resident magistrate who has made an election under sub-section (2) may
at any time during his tenure of office furnish to the Minister satisfactory
evidence that his health is suitable for the discharge of the duties of his
office, and the Minister may thereupon direct that for the purposes of
the specified provisions that resident magistrate shall be treated as if he
had not made that election.

(5) In this section "the specified provisions" means sub-sections (1) and (2)
of section two, sections three to ten and section twelve.

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