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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' PENSIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1960

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12.(1) The Ministry of Finance may make rules for securing that, in such
circumstances and subject to such conditions as to proof of good health and
other matters as may be specified in the rules, a retiring resident magistrate
who retires from office otherwise than on the ground of ill-health, after the
passing of this Act, shall be allowed to surrender, as from the date of his
retirement, in return for the benefits allowed under the rules such part, not
exceeding one-third of his personal pension, as may be specified in the rules,
and for enabling that Ministry to grant to the wife or to a dependant of the
retiring resident magistrate a pension of such value as, according to tables
to be prepared from time to time by that Ministry, is actuarially equivalent,
at that date, to the value of that part of the personal pension which is

(2) Any such pension as aforesaid for the benefit of a dependant (not being a
wife) of a retiring resident magistrate shall be payable in respect of the
period, if any, for which the dependant survives the resident magistrate, and
any such pension as aforesaid for the benefit of the wife of a
resident magistrate shall, according as the resident magistrate may, in
conformity with the rules under this section, elect, be payable

(a)in respect of the period, if any, for which the wife survives the
resident magistrate; or

(b)in respect both of the period of their joint lives subsequent to the
retirement and of the period, if any, for which the wife survives the
resident magistrate;

(3) If a resident magistrate has, in accordance with rules made under this
section, surrendered part of his pension, any lump sum or widow's or
children's pension payable under this Act apart from this section shall be
calculated as if that surrender had not been made.

(4) Rules made under this section shall be subject to negative resolution.

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