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63.(1) Schedule 6 shall have effect with respect to the making of orders under
any of the following Articles, namely

(a)Article 4(1) (construction of bridges and tunnels in relation to navigable

(b)Article 5(1) (diversion of navigable watercourses);

(c)Article 6 (extinguishment of certain public rights over navigable waters
and foreshore);

(d)Article 13(1) (trunk roads);

(e)Article 14(1) (designation of special roads);

(f)Article 16(1) (restriction of access, etc. in connection with special

(g)Article 40(1) (abandonment and stopping-up of roads).

(2) Proceedings under Schedule 6 may be taken concurrently (so far as
practicable) with proceedings required to be taken under Article 53 and
Schedule 4 (procedure for making vesting orders); so however that where the
Department wishes to acquire land compulsorily in connection with a special
road or proposed special road, an order vesting the land in the Department
shall not be made until the road has been designated as a special road in
accordance with Article 14.

(3) An order made under any of the Articles set out in paragraph (1)

(a)shall, together with such observations of the Department upon objections
made to the proposed order and not withdrawn and such other observations as
the Department considers appropriate, be laid before the Northern Ireland
Assembly; and

(b)shall be subject to negative resolution.

(4) Regulations made under this Order shall be subject to negative resolution.

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